

397 Uppsatser om Nordea Liv och pension - Sida 1 av 27

Nordea Liv och Pension under finanskris

Title: Nordea Life and Pension during financial crisis Subject: Business administration, Candidate thesis 15 p. Authors: Seyithan Öngörur och Adnan Yari Instructor: Peter Lindberg Date: 2010-01-13 Key words: Nordea, the financial crisis, advice, marketing, customer relationship Purpose: The purpose of the study is to provide an understanding of how the financial crisis has affected Nordea Life and Pensions market growth based on market share. We also want to give an understanding of what factors may be responsible for the outcome that it may be helpful in future financial crises. Method: A qualitative study was the basis for the study, where three interviews were carried out by the respondents from Nordea Life and Pension.  Theory: In this section we have focused on relevant theory and has divided them into different themes, advice, current legislation, marketing, consumption and buying behavior. Conclusion: The study shows that Nordea Life and Pension had a positive growth during the financial crisis and a number of factors are presented that may be the basis for the outcome.Proposal for further research: Since this study was limited to one company it may be intresting to investigate and examine the consuling industry market as a whole affected by the financial crisis. Contributions: This paper has provided an understanding of how Nordea Life and Pensions affected during a financial crisis, based on market share and the factors that may have been the basis for this..

Den rättsliga grunden för allmän pension

Genom en traditionell juridisk metod avser den här uppsatsen att studera det svenska allmänna pensionssystemet över tid (igår, idag och imorgon) för att utreda den rättsliga grunden för allmän pension. Den allmänna pensionsrätten är en del av de tre pelare som idag utgör det svenska pensionssystemet. De andra pelarna utgörs av den privata pensionen och avtalspensionen. Allmän pension har sedan början av 1900-talet erbjudits den svenska befolkningen. De första lagarna om allmän pension kan inte jämföras med det allmänna pensionssystemet som idag finns.

En förändring : Nordeas anpassning och påverkan av Basel II

Problem: How has Nordea been adapted and influenced by the change of Basel II and how have the employees reacted on the new change?Purpose: This essay has a purpose to study how Basel II has influenced the credit rating at Nordea. We also want to study how the employees have reacted to the new change.Method: To receive the information that was necessary for this study interviews were performed with the employees at Nordea. The interviews were an effective way to start a discussion and by that we received important information.Basel II is new capital cover rules that the Swedish banks have introduced. These new rules mean that it will become more important with safety when it comes to risk management and credit giving.

Japan & Sverige: En komparation av pensionssystemen

The purpose of this essay was to compare the Swedish and the Japanese pension system and see if there were any big differences or similarities. I was looking for answers to such questions as if the systems were modelled with the problematic demographic situation in mind and also how these two countries had tried to manage the problems. Path dependency was also a central conception when I studied the reforms of the two pension systems. I mainly used literature and Internet sources in my study. There were many books on the Swedish pension system and the debates that had been going on since the 80's.

Vad predicerar äldre personers attityd till sin pension?

Trenden i samhället idag är att det tillbringas kortare tid i arbetslivet samtidigt som det finns ett hot om en framtida arbetskraftsbrist. Syftet med studien var att undersöka faktorer som är av betydelse för äldre medarbetares beslut om tidpunkt för pensionering. Variablerna krav, kontroll, stöd, ekonomisk situation, hälsa och attityd till pension undersöktes genom ett frågeformulär. 117 assistenter i Örebro kommun deltog i undersökningen. Resultatet visade att attityd till pension hade ett negativt samband med hälsa, civilstånd samt ålder.

Pensionssparande : Vilka faktorer påverkar sparandet?

Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka variabler som påverkar olika frågor gällande pension. De frågorna angående pensionen som undersöks är:Vilka människor?? har tänk på sin pension?? har ett privat pensionssparande?? tänker jobba och ta ut pension samtidigt?? planerar att gå i pension tidigt respektive sent?Metod: Undersökningen utförs med en kvantitativ metod. Enkätundersökningen som analyseras kommer från en tidigare undersökning gjord av Finseraas och Jakobsson (2013). Uppsatsen följer en induktiv metod.Slutsats: Studien visar att variablerna som ingick i grundmodellen, vilka är kön, ålder, utbildningsnivå, civilstånd och inkomst, alla var signifikanta i en eller fler av frågorna som undersöks.

CRM-En fallstudie av Nordea Private Banking

Title:                                  CRM ? A case study of Nordea Private BankingAutors:                               David Johansson & Mikael Westin        Advisor:                             Ulf AagerupLevel:                                 Bachelor thesis in International marketing, (15 ECTS), Spring 2013.Keywords:                         CRM, Relationship marketing, Private BankingQuestion:                           How does Nordea Private Banking work with CRM to get high customer loyalty?Purpose:                            Study and to learn how Nordea Private Banking is working to bring in new customers and keep existing customers loyal. We also want to see if Nordea uses additional strategies that goes beyond the theory and what their customer relationship strategy is.Method:                             The study has a qualitative research method with an inductive approach. Interviews with leading and skilled profiles at Nordea Private Banking has been interviewed to provide answers to our research question.Theoretical framework: The chapter starts with theory about what relationship marketing is and what is driving customer loyalty. Thereafter theory that define CRM and its pros and cons are addressed, and finally the chapter describe the implementation phase.Empirical framework:     In the empirical framework we present the qualitative interviews that were done with employees at Nordea Private Banking.Conclusion:                       The result from this study shows that Nordea Private Banking uses strategies that are common in theory of CRM to gain high customer loyalty and the use of recommendations from satisfied customers is of a much higher significance in Nordea Private Banking?s case than of what the theory is implying.

Inifrån eller utifrån? : en studie av motivation och ledarskap inom Nordea

Nordea beskriver i sina mål att de strävar aktivt efter att ha högt motiverade medarbetare. Frågan är vad det är som motiverar medarbetare? Inom Nordea är de två vanligaste yrkesgrupperna personlig bankman och placeringsspecialsist. En stor skillnad finns mellan de två eftersom personlig bankman erhåller månadslön medan placeringsspecialister får en månadslön och en prestationsbaserad lön. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera vad medarbetare själva uppfattar som motiverande respektive demotiverande.

Norge - finansieringen av den åldrande befolkningen

As most developed countries Norway has an ageing population meaning that the number of pensioners is predicted to grow rapidly over the coming years. As a consequence the Norwegian pension system will not be able to provide for these future pensioners. Meanwhile, a rising number of early retirees and disability pension claimants is diminishing the real retirement age. Also the individual pension amount is growing while the pension system itself reaches maturity. In short, major reforms are needed in the Norwegian pension system.

En jämförelsestudie av AP-fonderna och bankernas Sverigefonder 2003-2010

Background: In 1999 the Swedish pension system was reformed with an aim to create a stable and high return on pension assets. First, Second, Third and Fourth general pension funds, hereby referred to as AP1-AP4, had an important part in the reform. AP1-AP4, also called the buffer funds, was assigned to secure long-term, big parts of the pension capital. The funds objective is by law, to manage the fund's assets in a manner that provides maximum benefit for the state pension. The funds will also invest pension assets with an overall low level of risk while achieving a sustainable high return.Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the First-Fourth AP-Funds is meeting its objectives regarding risk and return according to Swedish law.

Missnöjeshantering inom banker : - En fallstudie av Nordea Bank

SammanfattningSyfte:                       Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka missnöjeshantering hos Nordea Bank. Uppsatsen undersöker hur Nordeas missnöjeshantering överensstämmer med en egen utformad modell för missnöjeshantering. Utfallet förväntas resultera i en reviderad modell för missnöjeshantering samt att utreda om Nordea Bank kan förbättra sin missnöjeshantering.Metod:                     Studien utgörs av kvalitativa intervjuer. Lokalkontor i Västerås och Sala har intervjuats, samt Nordeas kundombudsman, pressansvarig och privatmarknadschef . Utifrån litteraturundersökningen konstruerades en modell som bygger på de variabler som förväntas påverka missnöjeshanteringsprocessen.

Avsättningar till pensioner : En studie om IAS 19 och konsekvenserna av dess implementering

Background: At the turn of the year 2004/2005, IAS 19 replaced Tryggandelagen (TrL) and RR 29 as the accounting standard in Swedish concerns. This introduction was associated with a certain apprehension for the possible changes in the companies? pension liabilities and equity.Purpose: To illustrate the difficulties of the introduction of IAS 19 by observing how it differs from TrL, and what kind of problems these differences can cause.Procedure: Individuals who are well up in, and work with pension liabilities have been interviewed. After this follows an example of the calculated pension liability of a company, to illustrate the differences between the calculations according to TrL and IAS 19. To conclude the chapter, a comparison between a number of companies from the Stockholm stock exchange is made to establish their various actuarial assumptions.Method: The essay mainly follows the qualitative research method, since this method is more appropriate when the substance in the matter is based on detailed differences and opinions.Results and conclusions: The introduction of IAS 19 has taken time and been an expensive matter, although the expenses weren?t as great as feared.

Kommunernas dolda pensionsskuld

Background: In 1998 it was stated that Swedish municipalities would report the pension liabilities according to the mixed model where the pension liabilities before 1998 was moved from the balance sheet. The mixed model has been criticized by economists for not showing the total pension liabilities. To remove some of the liabilities in the municipalities balance sheets means that the solvency improves. Some municipalities have decided to go against the municipal accounting law and recognize all of the pension liability as a liability according to the full funding model. When two accounting models are being used the comparison of the municipalities' financial statements is much harder.Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to study the reason why some municipalities apply full funding model rather than the mixed model.

Vad tycker medarbetarna?: en studie av medarbetarnas
pensionspreferenser vid LKAB

One trend that can be seen in the EU countries is that employees want to exit from the workforce before they turn 60 years. A Dutch study of some EU countries has noticed that an early retirement from labor in many countries is considered as a social right. This has created an ?early exit-culture?. Large early outflows of the labor have created an institutionalization, the right to cease work early.

Icke-finansiell information ur ett medarbetarperspektiv : En undersökning inom Nordea

Syftet är att undersöka medarbetarnas möjlighet till att arbeta utvecklande samt hur de får tillgång till och arbetar med icke-finansiell information på Nordea. Tillgången till fri information, som används och bearbetas på olika sätt, är idag en viktig förutsättning för medarbetarna inom Nordea. Icke-finansiell information blir allt mer viktigt, trots att Nordeas kortsiktiga framgång bygger på finansiella resultat. Tillgången till information skapar möjligheter för medarbetarna att vara med och påverka och fatta egna beslut. Det är inte längre ledningen som bestämmer vilken information som ska användas, ansvaret har förskjutits till medarbetarna.

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